Welcome to SolarisServer Blog, i usually write in ServerLinux.Blogspot.com, and now i decided to open a new blog named similarly to express my investigation of Solaris 10 O.S. and share interesting and usefull knowledge as experience.
Very soon i will graduate of Systems Engineer, and i am going to have more time to write in both blogs, so be prepared.
I want to share a solution to a problem you may have while installing Solaris and that i dont found it so easily in the Installation Documentation from Solaris. When you download the 2 DVD Images you have to create a single disk with the DVD images that you download and then burn the image or perform the installation in a virtual machine mounting the DVD ISO image.
I did this so:
cat sol-10-u4-ga-x86-dvd-iso-a sol-10-u4-ga-x86-dvd-iso-b > sol-10-GA-sp-dvd.iso
For more information:
This has been done because there are tools that do not work well with large files transfers, i wrote an article in my other blog about this:
I hope you enjoy my new blog and there will be the option of receiving emails with the new posts very soon.